Microblading for men

For men who want natural looking eyebrows we recommend the natural eyebrow micro blading which implants colour in a little one-by-one motion along the hair stroke line between your existing eyebrows to give a fuller and better designed eyebrow shape

Of Eyebrow Microblading for men

  1. 01  Have thin or faded eyebrows
  2. 02 Who has missing part of eyebrows
  3. 03 Who wants to cover up to old eyebrow tattoo
  4. 04 Fills in where hair is missing, giving an overall fuller look
  5. 05 You can have an appointment for the process in the morning and can move to your office right after it gets over.
  6. 06 Who want to get Natural looking brow

Steps to the microblading process

Before the procedure

  1. ・Please come to an appointment wearing your make up or with your natunal eyebrows.
  2. ・If you have any pimple around your eyebrows. please come get reservation after gone everything.
  3. ・Any plastic surgery or treatments should be done 3 weeks prior or 4 weeks after procedure.
  4. ・Let us know if you taking any medicine before your treatment.
  5. ・If you "keloid" scar,or other allegic you need to ask our doctor first.

After the procedure

  1. ・No water is allowed around the brow area, as this can result in the ink being washed out of the skin.
  2. ・Dont use clansing oil during 3~5days, DO NOT rub, pick, or scratch the treated area.
  3. ・Avoid face-down swimming, lakes, and hot tubs for the first 7 days.
  4. ・Put repair cream or vaselin when u feel itchy or dry.
  5. ・Don’t pick at the scabs as this may damage the skin and the outcome of the microbladed area.
  6. ・Your eyebrows will lighten up in colour as they heal. It takes approximately 7 to 14 days for the brows to heal over, and around one month for the colour to fully settle.
  7. ・The touch up is recommended 3-4weeks after initial treatment, during touch up the technician will fill in missing hair,add color.
  8. ・Do not drink alcohol 3days after your treatment.

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